Our program
Youth Salvage Project
Our Services Include:
Hotline for crisis management
Providing face-to-face and telephone counseling and street outreach are tailored to the needs of the youths on health, career, academics, social, emotional and spiritual problems. Follow up counseling, supervision and mentorship activities are also available to the youths to assist them achieve their life goals.

Education and Training
Building capacity of youths through workshop and seminars on health, STD/HIV, career development, communication and negotiation skills, financial management, literacy, risk reduction skills, promotion of family and societal values, healthy eating programs, and physical activities to improve the quality of life for youths.
Vocational training and job placement
Youths with interest in vocation trainings in sewing, hair dressing, catering, crafts/arts, auto-mechanic, catering, carpentry, plumbing and others are linked with job corps centers and supported in the careers of their choices. At completion of the trainings they are assisted with job placement for gainful employment.

Welfare support
Food and clothing are essential needs for basics human survival. Indigent and vulnerable youths are provided with food and clothing as needed. Food portions are provided at community outreaches and during holidays and festive celebrations at state and national.
Nutrition Education
The country is not homogenous, there are ethnic and racial diversity. Tolerance of youths and people of other cultures is essential and critical need for the peaceful co-existence of youths in our communities. Cultural integration activities will be promoted through youth cultural shows, trainings on tolerance and conflict management, cultural exchange programs with youths from other cultures and countries, youth camp meetings and community volunteers services to other needy population in the communities.

Youth and Spirituality Awareness Activities
Spiritual and psychosocial counseling support are provided on need basis to youths without discrimination by faith, gender, race, color, ethnicity, or social status. Youths are encouraged to love, fear God in all they do and participate in faith clinics, religious clubs, music, dance, drama, and hospitality visits as ways of expression their love for God and respect for humanity.
Orphans and Vulnerable Children
We believe that orphans should be cared for as our own children. It is for this purpose that the Truth Organization for Youths in partnership with local faith and community based organizations to provide support for the care for orphans in several developing countries. The children receive support in psychosocial, educational, health and socio-economic needs of the children until they are matured and old enough to fen for themselves.
The Organization also empowers widows, family mentors and other care providers in the community to care for orphans and allow children to be children again, without being burdened by many adult responsibilities is of critical priority.

Building Local Church Leadership

Truth Organization is building capacity of faith and community based organizations for effective coordination, accountability and communication in their programs for sustainable development. This is through workshops and trainings with organizational support for effective program design, implementation, coordination, financial accountability and sustainable development to achieve their organizational goals. We also provide mentorship and supportive supervision to these organizations.
Bibles, religious and devotional materials are provided to local Churches with rehabilitation of worship places for improved spiritual awareness of participating communities.
Medical Outreach Program
The Truth Organization for Youths, through its medical outreach program in collaboration with local communities supports the provision of basic medical care, health education and promotion, prevention, care and support for HIV and AIDS, provision of portable clean and safe drinking water, rehabilitation of health post in African countries.
The target groups for the services include children and adults especially, children and those under 5 years of age, women, youths, orphans and vulnerable population, the elderly and those with disabilities. Special priority will be given to people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS, female heads of households and gender issues.
As part of integrated comprehensive program, the Truth Organization links health services with development efforts in providing social services like portable clean water, proper sanitation, support electricity supply strategies, primary or secondary schools and rehabilitation of places for worship. Since poverty is also very common in the community, the empowerment of the people through income generation activities linked with health service delivery will be of priority for participating families and communities.
The Town Hall donated by the community for use as a health post is currently bring rehabilitated. It will require medicines and medical equipment supplies, as well as support for staff salary and benefits to be fully functional.